born Aug 26
is an active community worker,
and popular teen model
A special cause of Anja's is Meals on Wheels ,
she invites her fans to support their local meals on wheels provider,
particularly on National Meals on Wheels Day
which is celebrated every year
on the first Wednesday in September.
In 2004 ,it will be September 1

Anja will be posting a special message
for her fans here shortly, in the meantime,
please consider visiting Anja's Web Site Today
Anja the Community Worker
takes Meals on Wheels to needy people
in her community.
This is an activity she does for her local council ,
in a 2 person team, because Anja does not yet drive a car.
Anja also participates in training with St Johns Ambulance ,
where she has achieved great distinction
having received, the Cadet of the
Year award,
200 hours Community Service,
and several other awards and badges.
as a St John's volunteer at the Olympic Games in 2000,
really a memorable experience" Anja told Model Power.

Literary Anja
Anja is an accomplished writer
Read some of her craft at
To hear Anja read her stories live
is a special treat for her fans.
Anja would appreciate it if her fans might visit
she would like to add to her personal library.
Model Power invites Anja to visit the

Career Aspirations
Anja would like to study medicine,
and take up a position working in conjunction
with the Police Force or maybe in paediatric medicine


Anja adores her 2 house cats,
Patchy pictured above
and Salem a red short-haired tabby,
at the bottom of the page
Reading, writing, and web/graphic design, is also
an enjoyable pastime for her
Anja has had a number of websites over the past 7 years.
Her other Interests include:
Role Playing Games, Anime,
Camping, and being outdoors.
