I would say it started getting worse once I turned 15,
It was during the summer, I was like 5'0" and like 75 pounds.
It was scary I didnt know how to handle it,
I found my friend T , he told me to tell my parents
For the longest time I was so scared to .
I got worse as the weeks went by getting smaller
and not even eating for like 3 days straight, and I looked horrible,
I am the person who worries about how I look and how other people see me
so I thought I was fat
and not beautiful enough for anyone,
but after about a month of lying and hurting everyone I broke down and told my parents,
they didn't believe me at first,
But they realized that I was so skinny, I wore baggy clothes so they couldn't tell.
After a while they FORCED me to start eating, that didnt even work,
so they tried their best to keep me happy and satisfied with my body,
and nothing was working,
I always confided in my boyfriend .
Then during the summer I got worse, I went like a week without eating anything,
finally in August of 2003 I got help!
It didnt last long though because I'm back to the same thing
But a Dr put me on medicine to help me eat... So everything is looking good so far...
Every now and then it gets bad and I dont feel satisfied with my Body ,
But everyone around me makes me feel so good about my self,
and I mean I joke around with my dad
But he does not know when to stop so it does hurt at times,
but I have to realize that he does not mean it